Current version:
0.8.5 from 21.01.2006 |
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What´s new - 27. August 2006:
I´m working on providing the same functionality for rFactor.
This will be a seperate program
(rF Manipulator). I hope to be able to release this in September
What´s new - 21. January 2006:
Version 0.8.5 supports RH2005, adds tire harmonisation. |
F1 Manipulator offers different modules, which allow to easily
make changes to the configuration of F1 Challenge 99-02. It also
supports the add-ons 2003 and 2004 of Ralph Hummerich.
Description of the available modules:
- Perfomace harmonizer: This module makes changes to your
EA F1 Challenge configuration files that will result in all teams
having the same performance. This is useful for multiplayer
sessions where you want each driver to use a different team but
have the same performance.
- Modify car stability (NEW): With the F1C default
setting the rear wing of a car is more fragile than the front
wing, resulting in people hitting your car from the back not
getting hurt while your rearwing is lost. This module allows to
modify the stability of the wings and wheels. Several
recommended presets are included for you to make your choice.
- Replay Backup Manager (NEW): Usually only the replay
of the last race is saved for each track. All oder replays are
automatically overwritten. This modul allows to autmatically
create a copy of a replay, adding date and time to the name, so
that all replays will be available later for your review.
Optionally you can also make backups of the respective telemetry
file for later analysis.
F1 Manipulator is freeware and does not contain any spyware or
adware. To keep it that way please consider donating a small amount
(e.g. 3 Euro or 3$) via PayPal.
I would like to thank the racers of
GhostBoard and Dodl´s swabian Millenium Formel 1 for the first
donations in over 3 years!
Also I would like to thank the following sponsor league that are
using F1 Manipulator, visit them if your are looking for leagues
with great races:
a professional swiss racing league
PS: The line "by Morlock" in the logo refers to my
nick name in several LAN multiplayer games ...